Bed Bug Control in Southern Maryland
Experienced Pest Experts in Southern Maryland
Contrary to most people’s thoughts, bedbugs are not attracted to dirt and debris, even though thoroughly cleaning your home will certainly help reduce their populations by wiping away some of their eggs. Bedbugs can hide in virtually any location, from along the wall to the beneath the mattress to behind picture frames. The key commonality is that wherever they lurk, they will eventually come out because they are attracted to human warmth and carbon dioxide.
To avoid the painful and itchy bites caused by these nasty pests, speak to our devoted team at Guardian Termite & Pest Control, Inc. for superior bed bug control in Charles County.
Reach out to us now at (301) 970-4330 and we can provide an optimal solution for your bed bug catastrophe.
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Why It Is So Difficult to Find Bed Bugs
Many people assume that bed bugs are practically invisible to the human eye, but this is definitely not correct, since adults can grow up to 5 millimeters in length, approximately the size of an apple seed. Although they are not extremely vivid in color, they are dark enough to spot, particularly on a light background, like a sheet or blanket. What is more, they are not even as fast as insects like fleas, so a careful observer could clearly see them.
If bed bugs are so “visible,” you may be wondering why they are so rarely seen, and where you would be able to find them in your home if you truly did have an infestation. The answer is that bed bugs often stay hidden during the times when we are awake and about, which is why it can be difficult for anyone without years of training to tell when an infestation is forming.
How to Tell When You Have a Bed Bug Problem on Your Hands
Because bed bugs keep themselves so well-hidden, it is critical to take notice of the other signs that bed bugs are present, since you may not spot the bugs themselves. By being alert to the most common warning indicators that you have a bed bug problem, you can quickly get in touch with a dedicated team of pest professionals for remove total eradication.
Some of the signals that you likely have an invasion of bedbugs at your house or business include:
- Small droplets of blood left on your pillowcases, sheets, mattresses, and other bedding material
- Brown or reddish stains of fecal matter from grown bedbugs
- Shed skins or empty eggshells left by the young of bedbugs
- A foul or musty odor floating in the air, caused by the bedbugs’ scent glands
- Painful and itchy bumps on your body often arranged in a zig-zag shape or line, or even a patch of hives if you are allergic
Since they particularly come out around dawn when you are still sleeping, bedbugs are notoriously difficult to track down and even harder to kill. If you notice any of the above signs, do not become frustrated by attempting to find them on your own, but speak to our experts at Guardian Termite & Pest Control, Inc.
Call our team today at (301) 970-4330 or contact us online to ask any questions you may have related to bed bug control in Charles County.
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