Southern Maryland Rodent Control
Rodent Removal Experts in Southern Maryland
There are few things more shocking and horrifying to discover in your home or company than a beady-eyed rat staring up at you. Rodents like rats, mice, squirrels, and chipmunks have gained a reputation of being harbingers of illness, disease, and even death for hundreds of years. This unfortunate truth has not changed, although the methods of controlling them have thankfully become more effective than ever.
When you discover even just one rodent on your property, it is essential to let our team at Guardian Termite & Pest Control, Inc. know immediately. We can offer affordable, powerful means of rodent control to keep you and those you care about safe from the consequences of a rodent invasion.
Give us a call now at (301) 970-4330 to benefit from a completely free estimate for getting rid of rodents in Charles County.
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Why Delaying Professional Rodent Treatment Is a Bad Idea
The first time you spot a rat or mouse at your house or business, you may be tempted to avoid contacting a professional exterminating company right away. Many people hope desperately that the rodent was just an isolated trespasser, who happened to wander in accidentally. The truth is that rodents like rats and mice are extremely social, so the presence of one inevitably means there are more, hiding just behind the walls, ceilings, floorboards, and cabinetry.
Rodents are some of the most prolific breeders in the animal kingdom. Not only can a female produce up to 60 babies each year, sometimes giving birth within a matter of 25 days, but these pups quickly reach maturity in about 6 weeks. This means that the 8 to 10 new mice could be soon producing their own litters. If you want to avoid your property being overrun by hundreds of rodents in a short amount of time, do not hesitate to speak to professionals about rapid treatment.
Preserving the Health of Those You Care About
Rodents certainly cause a lot of damage in many ways, eating you out of house and home, or chewing on your valuable belongings, furniture, and devices. They often even gnaw wiring of household appliances and electrical systems, leading to devastating fires. In spite of all these problems, however, one of the worst side effects of a rodent infestation is that these creatures are well known for spreading terrible illnesses and even fatal diseases.
Some of the examples of the diseases carried either by rodents or by the fleas and ticks hiding in their fur include:
The most important reason for getting rid of a rodent invasion at your residence or commercial establishment is to protect everyone who sets a foot on your property. Talk to our experts at Guardian Termite & Pest Control, Inc. for a thorough inspection.
Get in touch with us today at (301) 970-4330 or contact us onlineif you are worried that you may need fast Charles County rodent control.
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